Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Can Dogs Fart?

The answer is yes! Dogs can fart. In medical terms it is referred to as dog flatulence. It is the formation of gas in the stomach or intestine. It is also associated with annoying and rather offensive smell and noise, fart and gas, that is.  So living with or even sitting next to a dog with flatulence can be really unpleasant. The gaseous odors that emanate from the dog can be overbearing to the senses, but they may also be indicative of an underlying health condition that needs to be treated.

Causes of Flatulence

In most cases, gas is harmless. However, when there is an excessive production of gas then this could be a bad sign. The most common cause of excessive flatulence is a change in diet or the dog eating something new, spoiled or difficult to digest. Some examples include soybeans, beans and peas. Additional causes could be milk or dairy products, spices, high fat diets and high-fiber foods. Furthermore, dogs that eat rapidly can swallow air and are more likely to experience flatulence. Overweight, obese and sedentary dogs are at higher risk in acquiring chronic flatulence.

Signs and Symptoms of Flatulence

If your dog has bad gas, here the most common signs:

  • expulsion of gas from the anus, with or without odor
  • mild abdominal discomfort
  • mild stomach distention or bloating
  • excessive gaseous sounds or rumbling from the abdomen (borborygmus)
Some clinical signs may also inlcude, diarrhea, vomiting and weight loss.

 Treatment and Diagnosis of Flatulence

Diagnosis should be based on the medical history and clinical signs. On the other hand, treatment is based on diagnosis and commonly involves a change in diet. Some recommendations on the diet include highly-digestible, low fiber and low fat diet.  Also, the addition of probiotics for dogs is also highly recommendable. Probiotics, when added to their diet, reduces the amount of gas and odor. I say you add OmNutra Pet Probiotics to your dog's diet for it is well known to reduce and eliminated a variety of pet health issues. This product contains 3 billion CFU per scoop versus other brands that only have 1 billion per scoop or less. Work with your vet to plan a new diet program that suits your dogs current condition.

Dog flatulence can be solved as long as it is diagnosed and treated as early as possible. Once your dog's new diet is good and working, it is important that your identify those bad substances and make sure your canine avoids them to prevent other issues and complications.
Dogs that swallow air, especially those that eat rapidly, are more likely to experience flatulence. Overweight, obese and sedentary dogs are at higher risk for developing chronic flatulence, regardless of diet. - See more at:
The most common cause of excessive flatulence is a change in diet or from the dog eating something new or spoiled - See more at:
The most common cause of excessive flatulence is a change in diet or from the dog eating something new or spoiled - See more at:
The most common cause of excessive flatulence is a change in diet or from the dog eating something new or spoiled - See more at:
The most common cause of excessive flatulence is a change in diet or from the dog eating something new or spoiled - See more at:
The most common cause of excessive flatulence is a change in diet or from the dog eating something new or spoiled - See more at:
The most common cause of excessive flatulence is a change in diet or from the dog eating something new or spoiled - See more at:
The most common cause of excessive flatulence is a change in diet or from the dog eating something new or spoiled - See more at:
The most common cause of excessive flatulence is a change in diet or from the dog eating something new or spoiled (dietary indiscretion). - See more at:
The most common cause of excessive flatulence is a change in diet or from the dog eating something new or spoiled (dietary indiscretion). - See more at:
The most common cause of excessive flatulence is a change in diet or from the dog eating something new or spoiled (dietary indiscretion). - See more at:
The most common cause of excessive flatulence is a change in diet or from the dog eating something new or spoiled (dietary indiscretion). - See more at:

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